Pie Face Game

Pie Face Game
:The Pie Face game brings the family together for hilarious fun, as they test their luck in this game of sweet suspense! First, load the arm with whipped cream (not included, additional purchase necessary). On their turn, a player spins the spinner to find out how many times they must turn the handles. Then they look through the facemask and turn the handles the required number of clicks. Watch out … as they turn them, there could be a big surprise in store—whipped cream in the face! Players who don't get hit, earn points. First to 25 points wins! This edition includes a Chain Reaction mode feature; use the connector to attach multiple Pie Face games and turn the handles together. The last one standing wins! (Connecting game units require 2 or more Pie Face games, which are sold separately. Subject to availability.) The Pie Face game is a fun game for kids birthday parties and game nights, and this preschool game for ages 5 and up makes a great gift for families, too.